Monday, July 6, 2009

Psalm 36:1 | Romans 3:18

"Transgression speaks to the wicked deep in his heart; there is no fear of God before his eyes." Psalm 36:1

"There is no fear of God before their eyes." Romans 3:18

These verses have proved pivotal to me in my understanding of sin, ungodliness & on the other hand, grace. As of late, I have been slowly & carefully making my way through Romans. As I approach chapter 3, I see how the "playing field" is leveled. In chapter 3 we see Paul's case further unfold as "there is no distinction: for all have sinned & fall short of the glory of God." This includes Jew & Greek. Yet, what I can't seem to skip over is all people's moral failure & inability to be righteous within ourselves. I see so much arrogance & pride in the heart's of men as though we have achieved sanctification or the goal. It is such a great reminder of our need for the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is no room for arrogance next to the cross. (I am preaching to myself here!). 

The above verses made me think twice. What is the fear of God? And, does it really influence my actions? 

Sanday commented on 3:18. He said, "The fear of God supplies no standard for their actions." This makes me wonder, "Are my actions altered because of my honoring & fear of God? Or, do I assume that God will not discipline sin? 

I hear people say quite often, "You just have to trust your heart." Well, I get what they are saying, but what if your heart is a big part of the problem. You see, there is a major difference between the unregenerate heart & the regenerate heart. Jeremiah says, "The heart is deceitful above all things, & desperately sick; who can understand it? (17:9)" Further, there is a great chasm between the heart that consistently intakes the gospel verses the heart that is passive towards God. What many people mean when they say, "Go with your heart" is "Trust your feelings." My friends, if I trusted my feelings all the time, I would be in a heap of trouble. Word? 

What I am getting at saying is: we must preach the gospel to ourselves. Otherwise, the fear of God will have little bearing (if any) upon our actions. We are way too forgetful. 

I am praying for you; I am praying for me. I am asking that God help give me a greater desire for Him. I don't feel guilty or condemned, I just don't want to miss out on Him. He is shown me countless times that He is the treasure. 

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