Thursday, June 11, 2009

Advance '09

This morning has been quite refreshing as I am finishing up on a few design projects, so I went to the Desiring God website & have been listening to the audio from Advance '09. I thought it to benefit you if you went & listened as well.

Here is the link:

So far, I have been particularly convicted & informed by Mark Driscoll's message, Ministry Idolatry. As well, Bryan Chapell's message on Communicating the Gospel through Preaching was enlightening as he spoke to several common errors when approaching the text. He outlines several purposes of Scripture all pointing to the perfect One, Jesus. It will cause you to reevaluate your study or give you desire to study. And, Matt Chandler's candid message should sober the proud.

Do yourself great service & go listen.

1 comment:

  1. Cool, Ben. Had a lot of friends from Huntsville go over there last week.
