Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Community: Love One Another-For the Sake of the Gospel Being Displayed, Part 1

This weekend, I have the privilege to speak at Camp Living Stones. I was asked by a friend of mine (& youth pastor extraordinaire at Candies Creek BC), Bo Dunkle, to teach on the topic of Biblical Community in a Christian's life. The question he wanted me to answer in the sessions is: What is vital to live in community with other believers? Or: Biblically, how does God want Christians to relate to one another? 

I figured that I would share with you an outline of my sessions over the next 4 days. Hopefully, it will help you as you live life with one another in the context of biblical community. 

Session 1: Love One Another--For the Sake of the Gospel Being Displayed

People can complicate things, especially when we have plans that they interrupt. 

Luke 7:36-50, A Pharisee, A Sinner, & Jesus
Key Text: "For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little loves little."

Without taking you through the exposition of this text, I would like to offer a contrast of the background/behavior of Simon, the Pharisee, & the woman sinner:
Simon, the Pharisee The Woman Sinner
Religious & Respectable Sinful & Shameful
No water for Jesus' feet Wet His feet with her tears & wiper with hair
No kiss for Jesus Did not cease to kiss His feet
No anointing for Jesus Anointed Jesus' feet with perfume
Loves little Loves much
Not sure if he was ever saved Faith in Jesus has saved her

What is the greatest difference between these two people?
One realizes the depths of her sinfulness & the expanse of God's grace & responds in faith. The other, Simon, does not realize he is a sinner, scoffs at the situation, & responds critically.

"As sinners, we are prone to pursue a relationship with God in 1 of 2 ways. The 1st is religion/spirituality & the 2nd is the gospel. The two are antithetical in every way." --Martin Luther

Simon was trying to earn God's approval based upon things like church, achievement, status, respectabililty...the woman sinner realized she had nothing to offer & accepted God's grace as a free gift & place her faith in Jesus. 

Central Truth: We should relate to one another out of the context that we have been forgiven much; therefore, we desire to love much. 

"If you understand the gospel, by default you become a worshipper. If you are not a worshipper, you do not understand the gospel." --Paul David Tripp (or as I refer to him, "P-Diddy Tripp")

"Every time we look at the cross Christ seems to be saying to us, 'I am here because of you. It is your sin I am bearing, your curse I am suffering, your debt I am paying, your death I am dying." --John Stott

So...what is the gospel? Take a few moments to watch this clip. 

The way we relate one another serves as an object lesson of the gospel being displayed. We must relate to one another out of the context that we have been forgiven much; therefore, we desire to love much. 


  1. Dude...loving it! How hard is it for us to accept this? If I would just stop and make an earnest effort to think about how much it cost Jesus for me to be forgiven, and how much I need that forgiveness...wow, I would love much. It's sad though that I rarely do this. We are in desperate need of God's mercy.
