Thursday, October 16, 2008

Abandoning Outcomes pt. 1

Question: Will you trust God enough to quit attempting to manipulate outcomes? 

In other words, do you believe that you are clever (also substitute persuasive, smart, godly, etc.) enough to accomplish what only the Spirit of God may accomplish? I believe we all fall prey to these thoughts.  

Yet, there is so much peace that comes when we trust God & that He is going to do what is right. In this, we accept that within ourselves, we cannot make anything turn out right; we abandon the outcomes to God. (Willard, Rev. of Character, 165). This allows us to trust in the sovereignty of God. I personally find great satisfaction that after I have poured out myself in worship & work that I am utterly dependent upon Him to accomplish growth. 

I struggled for years in ministry as I "burned at both ends" trying to accomplish something that might merit God's favor. What I soon realized is that the only favor I was really trying to receive was that of being recognized by colleagues, church members, & others as a sort of Christian spiritual prodigy. Therefore, I poured out much energy that may not have had any eternal value whatsoever. I now call it pride. 

I suppose at the heart of trusting God is the virtue of humility. Angela of Foligno stated, "One of the signs by which a man may know that he is in a state of grace is this--that he is never puffed up." Further, Willard said, "Humility is the great secret of rest for the soul because it does not presume to manipulate outcomes" (166).  

My dear friends, work in the service of Christ with all your heart & be obedient even to the point of life's end. But, trust the outcomes to God & the peace of Christ will release all anxiety. "Because of the Christ revealed in the Bible, we know that God is good" (166). 

Tomorrow: Abandoning Outcomes pt. 2

Also, stay tuned for a link to a free download of my book, A Remarkable Practice, in digital (.pdf) format. I would love your insight. 

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