Monday, November 10, 2008


I am in the middle of a book by Wayne A. Mack, Humility....The Forgotten Virtue. Nothing challenges me much more than when I am confronted with my lack of humility. I am such a prideful man and in constant need of embracing humility through the preaching of the gospel to myself. The gospel always reminds me of my desperate need of Christ in my daily struggle with self-sufficiency. May I also suggest another book on this subject that God used to confront me with my pride and how pervasive it is in my life, Humility...True Greatness, by C.J. Mahaney.

Yesterday, I came across an excellent portion in Mack's book of some ways that humility manifest itself in our attitudes and actions.

True humility manifests itself before God....
  • by the free and sincere confession of one's insignificance and sinfulness
  • by a complete lack of trust in one's own heart and complete dependence on God for all things
  • by totally renouncing any glory coming from our own good and by giving all glory to God for all things
  • by respecting, receiving, and responding to the Word of God
  • by completely submitting to God's own will even if His will is difficult
  • by submitting oneself to the Providences of God without complaint
  • by delighting in the worship and praise of God
  • by continually seeking God in prayer
  • by considering it a privilege to serve Christ in any capacity...a privilege we are not worthy of or deserving
  • by being willing to acknowledge God's infinite wisdom and knowledge
All of these are so challenging and applicable to my life, but the one that stops me in my tracks submitting oneself to the Providences of God without complaint. I am one that not only complains but lives as if I am entitled that things should go well for me. Maybe it would help me in those times to ask this question...You're not going to hell are you?? When I answer no to that question it should remind me that anything above hell is an incredible act of the grace and mercy of God. It should remind me of the gospel. Then I can read, believe, and apply Philippians 4: 6-8 with confidence.

And finally, enjoy this Spurgeon quote that says it so only he could say it.

O! strange mystery, that thou, who has borrowed everything, should exalt thyself; that thou, who hast nothing of thine own, but hast still to draw upon grace, shouldst be proud; a poor dependent pensioner upon the bounty of thy Savior, and yet be proud; one who hath a life which can only live by fresh streams of life from Jesus, and yet proud!

May these words and this truth create within us all the realization of how desperate we are for Christ and Him crucified.

Remaining desperate...

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