Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Hurried Existence, Part 2

"Remember the sabbath day, & keep it holy. Six days you shall labor & do all your work. But the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work...for in six days the Lord made heaven & earth, the sea, & all that is in them, but rested the seventh day." Exodus 20:8-11 (see also Exodus 31:13).

Routines are to stop.
Labor is to cease.
A day set aside in obedience to God.

What does it mean to Sabbath? Well, in the simplest form it means "stop." Personally, the sabbath has served as a metaphor for salvation. When we rest, we are reminded that God is in control of our labor, our planting, our fruit, etc. It is a reminder that nothing we do will earn God's love--we are loved apart from what we do. As Muller said, "If we refuse rest until we are finished, we will never rest until we dies. Sabbath dissolves the artificial urgency of our days, because it liberates us form the need to be finished."

As one said, "A restless work style produces a restless person."

Before I continue, I ask that you consider your posture before God. Are you constantly striving, trying to "make something happen?" Are you lazy during the 6 days that you feel the need to work a 7th? Do you need to set aside time for the Lord, to "be still & know that I am the Lord?" Only you know these answers, be honest.

Until tomorrow.

God rested.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your post about the Sabbath. I agree that the Sabbath is beneficial as a day of rest for those who keep it.

    I believe that man's mind and body were made to need a day of rest, and that is one of the reasons why God created the Sabbath day.
